13 feb 2013


In November, 2012 the teacher Mihaela Git of the College Jean Monnet of Bucharest invited us to participate in the educational project "Symbols in the Universe of the Knowledge" that is celebrated anually in the week from May 12 to May 19, on the occasion of your "High School Day".
The project consists of elaborating a essay/poster that treats some topic inside these three sections:
  • Rigour and experimentation in science
  • Knowledge between science and fiction
  • Man and society in a changing world
Since the pupils of first of secondary take part in a project etwinning with this school, I propose to participate them, and Vicente Lopez Mariño, (16/03/2000), agrees to realize a work of investigation.
This blog has been realized by him to expose the tasks carried out during the construction of the project that, finally, will give place to the poster that he presents.
Vicente likes the sciences related to the health, because of it from it began suggested topics related to this field. After several offers it decided to study the reaction of the persons before a burn. We think that the topic is contained in the third block, "Man and society in a changing world", because the fire represented for the man a sample of superiority on the animals and an important step in the evolution. One of the consequences of the fire they are the burns, which if they are not treated well in the first moment it leads to suffering his lifelong consequences.
How we confront the dangers of the agents who surround us, the fire, the electricity, the chemical compounds, it is something that depends on our education, and because of it also questions if we receive the suitable information in this regard. It is so, a work realized with a lot of effort, like an extracurricular activity.
Mathematics´s teacher
María Jesús Casado Barrio